Patrol award winners Senior Presentation Night
- ‘Owen Mercer Memorial Patrol Team Efficiency Award’
Patrol Team 3 Captain Dave Greene, Beau Wheeler, Paul Brightwell, Natalie Caldwell, Brittany Greene, Gavin Stapleton, Kelsey Clements, Olivia Krowka, Sheree Gallagher, Max Bailey & Blake Greenfield
7 of the team gained 100% patrol attendance, new awards were obtained by 5 of the patrol team and they were a reliable & vigilant patrol team. Always punctual with beach set up ready for sign on, they worked as a team, wearing patrol clothing with pride and interacted well with the general public.
52 members x 100% Patrol Attendance:
Patrol No.1—Al Green, Mitch Roberts, Ellyse Heycott, Stephanie Barlow, Russell Brinkworth, Stuart Brown, Alex Manche, Miranda Clark
Patrol No.2—Scott Gordon, Calvin Richards, Dale Dawson, Joshua Gordon, Peta Lunney, Morgan Richards, Denver Richards
Patrol No.3—Dave Greene, Paul Brightwell, Brittany Greene, Sheree Gallagher, Olivia Krowka, Gavin Stapleton, Kelsey Clements
Patrol No.4—Mitch Dwyer, Jenny Harrison, Daniel St George, Max Stapley, Kiah Taylor, Mali Taylor
Patrol No.5—Jake Hogarth, Dean Roberts, Mikayla Morris, Kimberley Fleming, Eden Taylor, Michael Harris, Haylee Greenfield
Patrol No.6— Emma Lockhart, Jamie Brinkworth, Mal Nelson, Megan Gadd, Joshua Bond, Emma Brown
Patrol No. 7—Adam Smith, Nathan Flint, Harrison Green, Sarah Terry
Patrol No.8—Ryan O’Grady, Toby Allnutt, Alex Kirkland, Kyle Mercer, Lachlan O’Grady, Allana Roscoe, Bryar Lunney
Rookie Patrol Member of the Year
Gavin Stapleton is a junior parent within the club and asked to be place on patrol as a first year Bronze Medallion holder. He obtained new awards this season ARTC & IRB Crewman. Was a 100% patrolling member completing 68.5hrs including water safety for junior activities, he also completed extra patrol hours when called upon, always dressed correctly in his patrol uniform. Gavin’s attitude/commitment towards the team environment & assisting the general public was first rate all season.
Patrol Member of the Year
Nathan Flint is a very committed young lifesaver here at Bulli. He is not one of our surf sports athletes, purely a patrolling member who commits himself to his role as a Patrol Vice-Captain. He had 100% patrol attendance, completed 40.5hrs whilst juggling his weekend work commitments. Nathan is a very pro-active young-lifesaver, whether standing down on the water’s edge, or doing roving patrols in the ATV, his priority is the community’s safety. His attitude/commitment is excellent and interacts with patrol members & the general public. He obeys instructions from his peers and on every patrol he completes he always assisted in opening & closing the beach, washing down equipment.