Geloven, Heycott, O'Grady & Taylor win awards at Presentation Night
Well done to the following members that received awards at our Senior Presentation Night;
Bulli Workers Club Trophy:
Dual winners with Julie Heycott & Shane Geloven sharing the award. Two people who fulfil completely different types of roles within the club, but most importantly both do outstanding work.
Julie is one of those members that behind the scenes she goes about her work with little fan fare or fuss. She continually volunteers her time for the betterment of the club. Julie obtained 2 new lifesaving awards this season ARTC & Spinal management. As a volunteer she ticks a lot of the boxes in activities, she is always heavily involved in all facets of club activities in including fundraising & social activities, Senior Assistant Secretary, Management Committee member, Building Committee member, Junior BBQ Co-ordinator, Buy a Brick Fundraising Co-ordinator and Level 1 Surf Official.
Shane is one of the club’s leading boat sweeps, mentoring his Under 19 Male & U23 Female Boat crews in training and competition all season. His commitment, passion and knowledge in surf sports competition has really assisted his crews this past season. Shane is always involved in any fundraising or social activity within the club...surprise to everyone not really! His results with younger crews he has sweep over the past few years is outstanding, winning State, National & World medals along with State representative duties.
U16 ‘Jack Horne Memorial’ Club Person of the Year
Kiah Taylor representative the Illawarra Branch Team & was drafted into Tasmanian State Team. Always available for any type of club function or activities with her family, including Caravan Park Raffle & Lifesavers Appeal. A 100% patrolling member performing 52.25 hours, surf sports athlete who won 5 gold at Branch and competed strongly at State & Aussies. Also won 6 & 3 medals respectively at NSW & AUS Pool Rescue Championships. Selected in the NSW Talented Athletes Program.
U19 ‘Fred Dunn Memorial’ Club Person of the Year
Lachlan O’Grady was a 100% patrolling member performing 60 hours. He gained 3 extra awards this season – IRB crewman, ARTC & Spinal Management. Surf sports athlete won 8 gold at Branch Championships, 2 team medals at State Championships in U19 Ski Relay & U19 Rescue Tube Rescue, 2nd in the U19 Coolangatta Gold, 2 medals at the NSW Endurance Championships. He representative the lllawarra Branch Team & was drafted into the Tasmanian State Team.