Members shine at the SLSI Awards of Excellence
Last night a large contingent of members (38) attended the 2010-2011 Surf Life Saving Illawarra Awards of Excellence night at the Portofino Function Centre in Wollongong.
Close to 260 people from the 17 Illawarra Surf Life Saving Clubs along with invited guests & sponsors saw 11 awards heading back to Bulli Surf Life Saving Club....with 2 of the club awards going our way namely Surf Sports Club of the Year (6th consecutive year) and the big one being Club of the Year for the 2nd consecutive year!
The Club of the Year award really shows the all round talent of our members who excel in all facets of surf life saving. Right through from our junior activities (nippers), rookie program, member development in lifesaving/patrol education and surf sports activities our members continue to be the bench mark in the Illawarra region.
Big congratulations to the following members for their achievements during the past season;
Female Junior Athlete of the Year (8-14yrs) Ashley Dribbus
Female Young Athlete of the Year (15-19yrs) Bernadette Cardillo
Male Young Athlete of the Year (15-19yrs) Tom Dewey
Female Athlete of the Year Hannah Minogue
Coach of the Year Downie Langthorne
Facilitator of the Year Dean Dudley
Age Manager of the Year Janaya Gurtner
Volunteer of the Year Maria Caldwell
Ted Marshall Memorial Life Saver of the Year Keith Caldwell
Surf Sports Club of the Year Bulli
Club of the Year Bulli