Thankyou to EnVie Fitness
Under clear blue sky over 150+ people turned up to support EnVie Fitness Easter Super Saturday Session at Bulli Beach on Easter Saturday morning.
Surf club members, regular EnVie fitness ladies and the community gathered to support this fun filled event.
Three different types of sessions were planned by the EnVie Fitness instructors and everybody gained a good work out over the Easter period.
It was a great family atmosphere with a BBQ, Pass the Ball competition, Jumping Castle, Raffle, Easter Egg hunt with the Easter Bunny making an appearance for an enjoyable morning for all concerned.
Thanks to Alex & Alita from EnVie Fitness and their instructors for coming up with the idea to support our Buy a Brick program. Also thanks to Kate at LokaMo Active Wear, Michelle from the Body Shop, Rachael at Soda Hair & Beauty plus Robb Grubb Professionals Real Estate Wollongong for their support.
Big thank you to our regular surf club members that worked tirelessly through the morning cooking the BBQ, setting up tents & clothing stands....a job appreciated by all!
As a result of their efforts EnVie Fitness made a donation to the surf club and will have their name registered in our Buy a Brick project as a Titanium Sponsor ($2,500). All donors will be featured on an appreciation wall in the club rooms.
EnVie have thrown out the challenge to all businesses to jump on board and support this worthy cause.....building extensions on the southern side of the surf club which will include new lifeguards facilities, extra storage of surf club equipment, training/education room, secretary's office, kitchen, disabled lift and toilets in a 2 level proposed extension.
If any person or business is interested in becoming a sponsor of our building extensions in particular our "Buy a Brick" project please contact Club President Keith Caldwell for further information.