Branch Championships - Thankyou
Thank you to all our members that assisted with the successful running of the 2013 Junior and Senior Illawarra Branch Championships hosted by Bulli over the past two weekends.
On both these days, our members worked tirelessly from 5.30am fulfilling duties such as as arena setup and pull down, IRB personnel, water safety, patrol members, work party, BBQ helpers/drink sales, parking attendants, officials meal organisers, carnival officials, cup cake sellers and the list goes on....too many to name individually.
It really was an outstanding display of a club working together as ONE! and each and everyone of you should be very proud of making the event the success it was.
On the competition front, we had kids from U8s through to our over 50s masters race in individual and team events and did the club proud. Too many results to name in the email. Results will be recorded in the annual report at the end of the season. Our nippers finished 2nd and Seniors 1st with the club winning the overall pointscore for the 8th consecutive season. Every athlete contributed to this great result and their sportsmanship was clearly to the forefront.