Bulli Surf Life Saving Club

Around The Club


Club Training - Surf Sports

SENIOR SURF SPORTS CLUB TRAINING has recommenced and listed below are the times & days for September & October until further notice;

* Tuesday - Ski Training 4pm @ Wollongong Harbour 

* Wednesday - Board Training/Gym/Running Session 4.30pm-6.30pm @ Bulli Beach 

* Thursday - Ski Training 4.30pm-5.30pm @ Bulli Beach - U17 upwards only

* Friday - Board Training 4.30pm-5.30pm @ Bulli Beach 

Club members should now also be swimming training with their respective coaches, plus also doing extra on weekends at Lilli Pilli & Mullett Creek with ski sessions. Club members from U14's through to Masters athletes welcome.

More sessions will be targetted on Sundays once the water warms up!

JUNIOR BOARD TRAINING will also start on the following times & days until further notice;

* Tuesday - Board Training 4.15pm @ Bulli Beach 

* Thursday - Board Training 4.15pm @ Bulli Beach 

* Sunday - Board Training 2pm @ Bulli Beach 

Contact Keith Caldwell (Surf Sports Manager) mkcaldwell@bigpond.com or Kevin Starling (Junior Coach) starlo13@hotmail.com for any further information


Keith and Maria Caldwell