Bulli Surf Life Saving Club

Around The Club


First Aid Certificate - offer to club members & general public

Do you need to complete or even update your FIRST AID CERTIFICATE?

Lifeguard and Medical Training Services is a new training company owned and operated by Bulli SLSC member Jamie Caldwell. Lifeguard and Medical Training Services is a licensed training provider on behalf of the Australian Lifesaving Academy NSW.

As an introductory offer Lifeguard and Medical Training Services will be conducting an Apply (Senior) First Aid (Full & Refresher Course) Course at some unbelievable prices for club members plus also for family and friends of club members including the general public!

$65.00 for Surf Life Saving Club members (Full & Refresher Course)

$99.00 for family/friends of both Junior and Senior Surf Club members plus general public (Full & Refresher Course)

Date: 12th & 13th October 2011

Location: Bulli Surf Life Saving Club

Times: 5.30pm for 5.45pm Start. Finish Approx 9.30pm (both nights)

Enrolment Details – Please contact

Keith Caldwell – 0414 258 295 – mkcaldwell@bigpond.com

Jamie Caldwell – 0477 178 243 – jamie.caldwell7@bigpond.com

*Places are limited – if demand exists further courses/dates will be announced *


Apply (Senior) First Aid

Course Description

The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to manage emergency first aid situations until professional medical support is available. This course is recognised by WorkCover NSW.


Upon successful completion of this course participants will receive the Apply First Aid Certificate and a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for the following unit of competency: HLTFA301B Apply First Aid Note: This course incorporates the content of HLTCPR201A Perform CPR and HLTFA201A Provide basic emergency life support.

Full Course

Participant does not hold a Apply First Certificate or holds an expired First Aid Certificate. Participant must complete a workbook prior to the 2 nights face to face training sessions. Workbook and First Aid manual will be provided on enrolment.

Refresher Course

Participant holds a valid First Aid Certificate and is due for re-certification. Participant must be able to produced and provide a copy of current First Aid Certificate.

Course Content

  •          The principals of first aid
  •          Managing emergency situations
  •          Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  •          Treatment of infection, shock, fractures, bleeding and burns
  •          Emergencies due to lack of oxygen, excess heat or cold
  •          Management of common medical emergencies
  •          Treatment of poisoning and envenomation

Entry Requirements

Participants must be a minimum of 14 years of age on the date of final assessment.

General Information

The duration of the course is approximately 8 hours plus assessment time.

To ensure your first aid skills and knowledge remain current, re-certification must occur within 3 years of the date of the final assessment. The CPR component should be updated every twelve months (one year) from the date of assessment in order to maintain skills currency.


Assessment is through demonstration, presentation and application of all elements of competency in the workplace.

Participants will be required to complete activities that may include role-plays, oral and written questioning, practical demonstrations and performing scenarios.

Keith and Maria Caldwell