Bulli Surf Life Saving Club

Around The Club


Fund Raising - Toilet Paper for Sale

With our DA approved just recently all efforts in fund raising ventures over the next 2 years will be directed towards our building extensions. So far it has cost the club $22,000 in reports & we have just under $40,000 in our Building Fund and need to build on this. Our Management & Building Committee will be out there chasing the corporate dollars along with applying for local/state/federal grants.

Russell Bradley from Milestone Chemicals is kindly assisting us with a fund raising venture, yes every family needs it...toilet paper..we have it for sale.......Beyond Toilet Paper 400 sheet (2ply) x 48 rolls in a carton. A Pallet (32 boxes) will be delivered this Sunday 30 October (9am-11am) and the club will be selling a box for a great price of $35.00. 

So let’s see if we can use this as an ongoing activity......we will also have cleaning products down the track as well, plus events to assist in chasing $$$ for our fund.

Orders will be taken future deleveries as well, so let us know if you wish to help, send an email to either mkcaldwell@bigpond.com or bullinippers@gmail.com

We really need our members and friends to support any fundraising events we plan as the benefits will all be coming back to YOU and your kids for the future!

Keith and Maria Caldwell